УДК: 622.235 (043.3)

Разработка способа разрушения массива разнопрочных горных пород взрывами рассредоточенных и укороченных скважинных зарядов с кумулятивным эффектом

Авторы: Райимов С.С. || Лунин С.В. || Нутфуллаев Г.С. || Турсунов Э.Т.

Рубрика: Геотехнология || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2017 год. || Скачать

Kumulyativ samarador, qisqartirilgan va bo'lib joylashtirilgan skvajinali zaryadlar bilan turli mustahkamlikdagi tog' jinslari massivining portlatib buzilishi ushibi ishlab chiqilgan va sanoatda joriy qilingan. Bu uslub qattiq qatlamlar aro yo'naltirilgan portlatish energiyasi hisobiga p o g ’ona balandligi buvicha bir tekisda yanchib borish, portlovchi sh ’ajinalar setkasini 23 % ga kengavtirish, portlovchi moddalarning solishtirma sarfmi 20 % ga va sh ’ajinali zarvadlarni burg ’ulashni 15 % ga kamavtirish imkonini beradi.

Tayanch iboralar: kon massivining buzulishi, xar-hil qattiqlikdagi massiv, ommaviy portlatish, bir jovga maydalangan va kaltalashtirilgan sh’ajinali zarvad, portlovchi modda, kumulyativ samaradorlik, maydalash, pog 'ona balandligi, portlash energiyasi, portlovchi sh ’ajinalar setkasi, portlovchi moddaning solishtirma sarfi, burg ’ulashning sarf-xarajati, portlovchi s h ’ajina, ochiq kon ishi, kon sanoati, bir xil maydalash.

Developed and industrially implemented method o f explosive destruction o f the massif o f rocks o f different strength by dispersed and shortened downhole charges with cumulative effect. This method makes it possible to produce a uniform rock crushing throughout the cutting depth due to the directional energy use o f the blast in hard seams, increase blast pattern by 23%, reduce the specific consumption o f explosives by 20% and the cost o f blast holes drilling by 15%.

Key words: destruction method o f rock massif, different strength massif, massive explosion, focused and shorter downhole charge, explosive, cumulative effect, rock crushing, cutting depth, explosion energy, blast pattern, specific consumption o f explosives, drilling cost, blast hole , open pit mining, mining industry, even crushing.


Библиографический список

1. Безсонов Н.В. Пособие для расчёта экономического эффекта от использования изобретений и рационализаторских предложений. - М.: ВНИИПИ. 1983. - 96 с.