УДК: 623.002.68

Обзор современного состояния и развития комплексного использования техногенных отходов

Авторы: Санакулов К.С.

Рубрика: Геотехнология || Выпуск: №2 (Апрель-Июнь), 2016 год. || Скачать

Maqolada texnogen chiqindilarning vaziyati va ulardan kompleks foydalanishning rivojlanishi ko'ribchiqilgan. Rangli metallurgiya va chiqindilarni kompleks qayta ishlashdagi kichik va chiqindisiztexnologiyalarni rivojlantirishning asosiy masalalari, olingan mahsulotlarning* tan narxini oshirish maqsadida prinsipial yangi yo'nalishlarni ishlab chiqish, barcha qayta ishlash bosqichlarida zararli chiqindilarni kamaytirish va paydo bo'lgan chiqindilardan to'liq foydalanish maqsadida noan'anaviy usullar va metallurgiya korxonalaridagi mavjud bo'lgan texnologiyalarni takomillashtirish.

Tayanch iboralar: usul, texnologik loyihalashtirish, chiqindisiz texnologiya, xom ashyo, reagentlar,flyuslar, yordamchi materiallar, aktual muammolarni tanlash, texnik-ekonomik baho, texnologiya vaapparaturani ishlab o'rganish, yangi texnologiyani singdirish, resurs tejamkorlik, chiqindilarni utilizatsiyaqilish.

The review o f a state and development o f complex usage o f technogenic waste is give coverage in article. The main objectives in development o f small and non waste technologies in nonferrous metallurgy and complex processing o f waste, fo r the purpose o f decrease in prime cost o f the received production consist in development of essentially new directions, nonconventional ways and improvement o f the existing technologies o fmetallurgical production fo r reduction at all stages o f processing o f harmful emissions and fu ll use o f the formed waste.

Key words: method, technological design, non waste technologies, raw materials, reagents, flux, supporting materials, choice o f immediate problem, technical and economic assessment, fine-tuning technologies and installation, introduction o f new technology, efficient use o f resources, materials recovery.




Библиографический список

1. Санакулов К. С. Научно-технические основы переработки отходов горно-металлургического производства. - Ташкент: «Фан», 2009. -432 с.