УДК: 622.26


Авторы: Снитка Н.П. || Наимова Р.Ш.

Рубрика: Геотехнология || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2018 год. || Скачать

Maqolada kon-metallurgiya konlarini qazib olingan ochiq jinslarni qayta ishlash masalasi ko'rib chiqilgan. Kon-metallurgiya korxonalari konlari tarkibida oltin miqdori soni ko'paygan chiqindilarni miqdori tahlili keltirilgan. Ichki va tashqi ochilgan jinslarni shakllantirilganligi «Muruntog'» koni bazasidagi korxonaning chiqindilarini chuqur ko'rib chiqilgan. Statik natijalarni ishlov berishda SPT kompleks ag'darmalarida to'plangan kon-geologik materiallarida va o’tkazilgan ustki sinovda ko'rsatildi – shu xoldagi bo’linishda ichki ochish jinslari uch turga bo'linadi: qayta ishlash resurslari, potensial resurs-lar va rezervlar.

Tayanch iboralar: karyer, ruda, agdarmalar, kоn jinslari, qijalik, kon, chiqindilar, resurslar, qayta ishlash, miqdor, o'rt-acha namunalarga yaqinlashtirmoq, bo'laklar yirikligi, kon-metallurgiya sanoati.

In the article the questions of involving in overburden processing of mining and metallurgical enterprises are considered. The analysis of deposits in which a large amount of gold-bearing wastes of mining and metallurgical production is accumulat-ed is given. The waste from the Muruntau deposit, formed from the rocks of the outer and inner stripping, is considered in more detail. The results of dumps processing of the conveyor ore transportation complex of accumulated mining and geological ma-terials and conducting surface sampling showed that as a result of this division, the rocks of the internal overburden are divid-ed into three parts - reserve, potential resources and resources for processing. Studies have established that the peculiarities of the dumps formation using various transportation technologies are mani-fested not only through averaging of the content in the laid ore mass, but also through segregation of rocks, during their move-ment along the slope. At the same time, taking into account segregation of rocks in the choice of development technology, it is all the more necessary that a direct dependence of the gold content on the size of the pieces is established.

Key words: quarry, ore, dumps, rocks, slope, deposit, waste, resources, processing, content, averaging, grain size, mining and metallurgical production.

Библиографический список

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3. Перспективы вовлечения в переработку отходов горного производства на базе золоторудных месторождений.
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