Maqolctdct maxsus sementlarning samarali turlaridan biri—sul'foalyuminat-sul'foferritli sementlar olish texnologivasining nazariy-ilmiy asoslari, ularni O'zbekistondagi kon-qaytaishlah va kime sanoati korxonalari chiqinddaridan kompleks fovdalanib olishning ishlab chiqilgan energiya sig'imi kam texnologivasi, olingan sementlarning hossalari va ularni respublikamizda ishlab chiqarish istiqbollari tog'risida so'zyuritiladi.
Tayanch iboralar: sul'fominerallar, sul’fomineral kompozitsiyalar, sul'fat- va temirli kom ashvo aralashmasi, past xaroratda kuvdirish, sul’foklinker, mahsus sementlar, mustahkamlik, struktura shakllanishi, iqtisodiy samaradorlik, ekologik maqsadga muvofiqlik.
The article reports on the theoretical and scientific foundations of technology for one of the special types of cement - sulfo-alluminate and sulfo-ferrite cements, the developed low power technologies of their production with integrated use of mining and refining and chemical plants waste in Uzbekistan, the properties of cement production and the prospects for organizing their production in our country.
Key words: sulfo-minerals, sulfo-mineral compositions, sulphate and ferriferrous raw mixes, low-temperature roasting, sulfo-clinker, special cements, strength, formation of the structure, economic efficiency, environmental feasibility.