Maqolada kimyoviy, rentgenofaza, termogravimetrik, petrografik va IQ-spekrtometrik analizlar keltirilgan. Porlyitau mergelli izvestnyak kon jinsi tarkibiga kirib, и karbonat kalsiy, magniy arashmalaridan tashkil topgan bo'lib, aralashma chaqmoqtoshli tuproq va gil tuproqdan tashkil topgan bo'lib uni tarkibida sulfat kalsiy gips shaklida uchraydi. Kichiklashtirilgan rasmdan mergelning asosiy qismi gidroslyuda, montmorillionit aloxida galualizit xamga organikaning kokkolitofora ustki qobig'ining qoldiqlaridan tashkil topgan.
Tayanchiboralar: mergel, gilli kon jins, kal'sitlar, kalsiyli korbanatlar, magniy karbonati, yarim dispersli suspenziya, gidroslyuda, montmorillionit, galuazit, difraktogramma, endotermik effekt, kimyoviy tarkib, rentgenofazali analiz, kalsiyli sulfat, gips.
The results of chemical, X-ray phase, thermogravimetric, petrographic and IK spectroscopic analyzes are presented in the article. According to chemical analysis, Porlitau marl refers to calcareous marl, which is a mixture o f calcium and magnesium carbonates, compounds o f silica and alumina, some calcium sulphate in the form o f gypsum. It can be seen from the micrograph that the major part o f the marl is represented by hydromica, montmorillonite, single haloisite, and also organic matter in the form o f remnants o f the shell o f coccolithophora.
Key words: marl, argillaceous rock, tiffs, calc-spar, magnesite, semi-dispersed suspension, illite, montmorillonite, galoisite, diffractogram, endothermic effect, endothermic effect, chemical composition, rhengen phase analysis, calcium sulfate, gypsum.