Maqolada taqsimlangan parametrli texnik sistemani optima! boshqarish amaliy masalasining matematik modeli keltirilgan, yo'naltirilgan parametrli ob'ektni boshlang'ich holatdan chetki holatga o'tkazishda nasoslar holatini o'zgartirish to'g'risida teorema isbotlangan.
Tayanch iboralar: optimal boshqarish, matematik model, taqsimlangan parametrli sistemalar, maksimum prinsipi, nasoslar holati, amplituda, chastota, so'nuvchi tebranish, bo'lakli doimiy funksiya.
The mathematical model o f the applied problem o f optimal control o f a technical system with a distributed parameter is presented on the basis o f which the theorem on the number o f switching o f water flooding pumps during the transfer o f an object with the mediated parameters from the initial state to the final one is proved.
Key words: optimal control, mathematical model, system with distributed parameters, maximum principle, pumps state, amplitude, frequency, damped oscillations, piecewise constant function.