Maqolada Angren razrezidagi pog'onalarning profiUariga mos ravishda yassi holat uchun echiladigan masalalarni fotomexanika usullaridan foydalangan holda o'tkazilgan tajriba-eksperiment tadqiqotlar natijalari keltirilgan. Pog'ona qiyaligining xilma-xil shakllari uchun massivdagi kuchlanishning K,iymatlari aniqlanib, ularning ustivorligini ta'minlashga oyid prognoz ko'rsatkichlar keltirilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: ko'mir razrezi, pog'ona, pog'ona qiyaligi, massivdagi kuchlanish, fotomexanika, eksperimental tadqiqot.
The paper presents the results o f laboratory-experimental studies using the polarization-optical method fo r solving plane problems with respect to slopes profiles o f the Angren coal mine. The evaluation o f the stressed-deformed state of the mountain massif in the contour zone o f ledges o f various configurations is given and recommendations are given to ensure their stability.
Key words: coal cut, ledge, angle o f ledge slope, stresses in the array, photo mechanics, experimental studies, stress-strain state o f the rock mass, polarization-optical method, boundaiy zone, stability ofslopes, various shape o f the quarry sides, mining,optically sensitive materials, deformation o f rocks, gravitational loading, normal stress, law ofproportionality.