O ׳tkazilgan sanoat tajribalari shuni ko ׳rsatdiki, faol zaboykalarni qo ׳llash, bir tekisda yanchish va uch va undan ortiq negabarit chiqishini kamaytirish, 400 mm.li yirik fraksiyalarni 1,8-2,0 martaga kamaytirish, portlatilgan kon jinsining ag ׳darilish kengligini 6-8 metrga va portlashda bo ׳laklarning uchishini ancha kamaytirishga imkoniyat beradi.
Tayanch iboralar: faol zaboyka, foydali qazilmalarni qazib olish, portlatish ishlariga tayyorgarlik, portlash, kon massivi, portlash energiyasi, massivni yanchish, detonatsiya mahsulotlari, energiyani yo ׳qotish, yanchish intensivligi, zaboyka materiali, unumdorlik.
Conducted industrial tests have shown that the use of the active tamping ensures uniform crushing of the rock mass and reduce the output of oversized three times or more, to reduce the coarse fraction output of more than 400 mm in 1.8-2.0 times, reduce the width of the collapse of the blasted rock mass by 6 -8 m and significantly reduce the expansion of the pieces in the explosion.
Key words: active tamping, mining, explosive preparation, explosion, mountain range, the energy of the explosion,array splitting, detonation products, loss of energy, crushing intensity tamping material costs.