Maqolada penopolistirol asosida emulsion portlashtish mahsulotlarining detonatsion parametrlarini hisoblash metodikasini ishlab chiqish ko ׳rilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: detonatsion parametrlar, detonatsion jarayon, penopolistirol, tenglamalar sistemasi, hisob, gazsimon portlaish mahsulotlari, portlash solishtirma issiqligi, issiqlikni yo ׳qotish, issiqklik balansi, molyar sassa, portlastish mahsulotlarining solishtirma hajmi.
The article describes the method development for calculating of detonation parameters of emulsion explosives based on expanded polystyrene. The equation systems for the value allowing by virtue of these expressions to define all detonation parameters of emulsion explosives are considered herein.
Key words: detonation parameters, detonation process, expanded polystyrene, equation system, calculation, gaseous explosion products, specific heat of explosion, heat loss, heat balance, molar mass, specific volume of explosion products.