УДК: 622.7


Авторы: Санакулов К.С. || Василёнок О.П. || Эргашев У.А. || Ткаченко Е.С.

Рубрика: Обогащение и металлургия || Выпуск: №2 (Апрель-Июнь), 2019 год. || Скачать

Maqolada GMZ-2 ning hozirgi ishlab chiqarilishi misolida rudalarni tayyorlashni qayta taqsimlash samaradorligini oshirishga yo'naltiril-gan silliqlash sxemalarini takomillashtirish masalalari yoritilgan. Tajriba maydonchalarini sinovdan o'tkazish natijalari bo'yicha ularning samaradorligini oshirish uchun zahiralar aniqlandi. Sanoat sinovlari natijalari va sanoat miqyosida ishlab chiqilgan sxemani joriy qilish.

Таянч иборалар: ma'danlarni tayyorlash, silliqlash, gidravlik tasniflash, rouming yuki, to'p tegirmon ishlash

The article discusses the issues of improvement of grinding schemes, aimed at improving the productivity of ore preparatory redistri-bution on the example of the current production of GMZ-2. Based on the analysis of the results of testing mill blocks, the reserves for increasing their productivity were revealed. The results of industrial tests and the introduction of an improved scheme on an industrial scale.

Key words: ore preparation, grinding, hydraulic classification, circulation load, ball mill performance.


Василёнок О.П.

Библиографический список

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