Qimmatbaho metallarni rudalardan sorbsion usulida olish gidrometallurgiya ja-rayonining muhim tarkibiy qismlaridan biri hisoblanadi. Qo'shimcha 13-texnologik zan-jirni ishga tushirish 2-GMZ ning sorbsiya va regenerasiya bo’limida yanada ko’proq miqdodagi rudani kapital quyilmalarni kiritmagan holda texnologiyada qayta ishlash imkonini beradi.
Kalit so'zlar: oltin, sorbsiya, siyanlash, texnologik zanjir, pachuk, gidrometallurgiya jarayoni, ion almashinuvi qatroni.
The sorption extraction of noble metals from ores is one of the important compo-nents of a hydrometallurgical process. Entering an additional 13th technological chain makes it possible to ensure the processing of the increased amount of ore processed at the technological level of the sorption department of the sorption and regeneration plant of GMP-2 without a definite investment
Key words: gold, sorption, cyanidation, technological chain, spider, hydrometal-lurgical process, ion exchange resin.