Maqolada kuchlanish to Iqini impulsini qayd etish metodikasini modellashtirishning ishlab chiqilishi keltirilgan. Ushbu metodika turli mustahkamlikdagi kon jimlari massivida qisqartirilgan sh’ajinali zarvadlar portlovchi moddalarining harakatini belgilash imkonini beradi. Ular asosida, sanoat zaryadlari energetikxossalariga bog lik kuchlanish to Iqining parametrlari cmiqlangcm.
Tayanch iboralar: modellashtirish metodikasi, impulsni qayd etish, zo 'riqish to Iqini, portlash ta ’siri, kichraytirilgan sh ’ajinali zarvad, portlovchi moddalar, kimndyativ о ’viq, har-xil qattiqlikdagi tog ’ jinsi, burg ’ulash portlatish parametrlari, energetik xususivat, tarkib, kon massasining tuzulishi.
The article describes the development o f modeling technique for record o f wa\’e voltage pulse. This technique allows you to set the actions o f shortened downhole explosive charges with charge hollow in massif o f different rocks. On this basis, were determined the parameters o f the stress waves, depending on the properties o f industrial energy charges, composition and structure o f the massif o f rocks o f different strength.
Key words: modeling technique, pulse record, stress wave, explosion action, shortened downhole charge, explosives, charge hollow, rock o f different strength, parameters o f drilling and blasting operations, energy properties, composition, structure o f rock massif.