УДК: 622.26


Авторы: Райимов С.С. || Наимова Р.Ш.

Рубрика: Геотехнология || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2018 год. || Скачать

Ushbu maqolada chuqur karyer bortining qiyaligida joylashgan otvallarning matematik modellashtirish birinchi marta amalgam oshirilganligi ko'rsatilgan. Qilingan hisoblar natijasida shuni xulosa qilish mumkinki, tog jinslaridan iborat bo'lgan bort yoni qiyaligi ag'darmalarni shakillanishidagi turg'unlik lokal zonalarning paydo bo'lishi etimoldan uzoq.

Tayanch iboralari: karer, ag'darma, kon jinslari, kon jinslarining fizik-mexanik xususiyatlari, ruda, kon chuqurligi, kon massasi, tog' jinsning ichki ishqalash koeffitsienti, ruda sifati, solishtirma og'irligi.

In this paper, we show for the first time the application of mathematical modeling of slope heaps of deep quarry edges. On the basis of the calculations performed, it can be concluded that the formation of dumps on the slope of the rock massif from rock formations makes local formation of instability unlikely.

Key words: quarry, heap, rocks, physical and mechanical properties of rocks, ore, pit depth, rock mass, internal fric-tion coefficient of the rock, ore grade, specific volume.

Библиографический список

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