Ushbu maqolada karyer bortlarining ag'darmalaridagi ichki ag'darmaning joylasishga bo'lgan talablar asoslangan, ular kon jinslarining tabiiy qiyalik burchagining kichikroq burchakga nisbatan chegara pozitsiyasida o'rnatilgan. Chiqur karyerning bort qiyaligidagi ichki ag'darmaning havfsiz shakillanishga ko'yilgan talablar asosidagi ilmiy-tadqiqotlar natijasida bort yonidagi massiv cheksiz chegaralar bilan blok tuzilishiga egaligi aniqlangan, shu bilan birga, qazib olish maydonchasi ostidagi konlarni ishchi hududida qazib olishni davom ettirishni hisobga olish kerak, bu “osilgan” ag'darmani shakllantirish xavfsizligiga yuqori talablarni talab qilmoqda. O'tkazilgan tadqiqotlar natijasida deformatsiyaning asosiy sababi seysmik ta'sir bo’lganligi aniqlangan, ularning balandligi 200000ч250000 m3 hajmida 120ч150 metrga erishish mumkin. Shuning uchun, bort qialigidagi ag'darma o'lchami kattaligi kamida 100 ч 150 m bo'lishi va mumkin bo'lgan deformatsiyani qoplash kerak.
Tayanch iboralar: karyer, bort, turg'unlik, ag'darma, xavfsizlik, karyer ishqalash zonasi, tabiiy qiyalik burchagi, kon jinsi, deformatsiya, seysmik ta'sir, spektral daraja, ko'chkilar, zilzilala, texnogen portlashlar, yagona agdarma, prognoz, deformatsiyalar hajmi.
This article substantiates the requirements for placing an internal dump on the slopes of the quarry sides, placed in the limit position at an angle less than the angle of the natural slope of the rocks. Investigations to justify the conditions for the safe formation of the internal dump on the slope of the deep quarry side have established that the adjacent rock mass has a block structure with indefinite boundaries, and it is necessary to take into account the continuation of mining operations in the working zone of the quarry below the dumping site, which exposes increased requirements for the safety of the formation of such a " hanging "dump. It has been established by the stu -dies that the main cause of deformation is seismic action, and their height can reach 120 ч 150 m at a volume of up to 200 ч 250 thousand m3. Therefore, the size of the dump along the side slope should be at least 100 ч 150 m and cover possible deformation.
Key words: quarry, board, stability, dump, safety, working quarry, angle of natural slope, rock, deformation, seismic impact, spectral level, landslide, earthquake, man-made explosions, single dump, forecast, deformations volume.