Maqolada 7-9 balli vuqori sevsmik tog'li tog' oldi - adirlikva past tekislik hududlarida jovlashgan suv omborlarni geoekologik sharoitlarini baholash keltirilgan. Suv omborlarning qurish va ekspluatatsiva davrida geologik muhitga ta’siri ko'rib chiqilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: geoekologiva, to'g'onlar, terrasa, geologikmuhit, grunt, tabiiy-texnogen sharoit.
Tectonic structure and characteristics o f discontinuities o f south-western part o f the Hissar Mountains. The paper presents a modern state o f the tectonic structure and characteristics o f discontinuities o f south-western part o f Gissar Mountains exploring mainly flexure-explosive area, big jumps o f uplift and subsidence, surface displacements developing in the directions o f the north-east, and south-west. Causes are presented and the major structural units o f the overlap o f breaks zone are highlighted.
Key words: tectonic breaks, mountain zones, faults, seismic situation, pockets o f earthquakes, displacement, deformation.