O'zbekuston respublikasidagi nodir metal va siyrak yer elementli konlar bo'yicha fundamental tadqiqotlarning umumlashmasi hamda resurs potensiali yoritilgan. Kompleks konlardagi nodir metallar va siyrak yer elementlarini guruhlash jadvali keltirilgan. G'arbiy, sharqiy va janubiy O'zbekistonning noyob metal va noyob yer minerallanishining mineral va xom ashyoni resurslarining baholanishi keltirilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: nodir metallar, siyrak yer elementlari, minerallashish, kompleks konlar, magmatika, hom-ashyo resurslari, maxsuldorlik, rudadorlik, gruppalash, rudali tugun.
The generalization of the basic research on rare-metal and rare-earth deposits is discussed and their resource poten-tial in the Republic of Uzbekistan is estimated. The table of grouping of rare metal and rare earth elements of complex deposits is given. The estimation of mineral resources of rare metal and rare-earth mineralization of Western, Eastern and Southern Uzbekistan is given.
Key words: rare metals, rare earths, mineralization, complex deposits, magmatic, mineral resources, raw materials, productivity, ore-bearing, grouping, ore knot.