Maqolada oksidlangan mis birikmalarini sulfidlash va mayda tomchilarini koalissensiyalash uchun Sharoitlarini yaratish yo'li bilan mis shlaklarini qayta ishlash masalalari ko'rib chiqilgan. Shlak tarkibidagi magnetitning tiklanishi tashlandiq mahsulotlardagi misning miqdori kamayishiga olib kelishi ko'rsatilgan, ammo oksidlangan birikmalar mavjudligi magnetit miqdori shlakda yuqori bo'ladi. Oksidlangan birikmalarning sulfidlanishi va mayda tomchilarni koalissensiyalash uchun sharoitlarni yaratish shlaklarni chuqur missizlantirish uchun imkon beradi.
Tayanch iboralar: shlak, qayta ishlash, pirit boyitmasi, dissosiatsiya, oltingugurtli temir, oksidlarni sulfidlash, koalissensiya, tub fazaga o'tkazish, kam chiqindili texnologiya.
The article deals with the processing of copper slag by the sulfidation of their oxygenates and the creation of condi-tions for the coalescence of small droplets. It is shown that the reduction of slag magnetite significantly reduces the cop-per content in the waste products, but its concentration is still quite large due to the presence of its oxygenates. Sulfida-tion of oxygenates and the creation of conditions for the coalescence of small droplets creates conditions for deep desic-cation of slags.
Key words: slag, processing, pyrite concentrate, dissociation, iron sulphide, atomic sulfur, oxides sulphidation, coa-lition, transfer to the bottom phase, low-waste technology.