УДК: 577.41:612.014


Авторы: Райханова Г.Е.

Рубрика: Экология и техническая безопасность || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2018 год. || Скачать

Maqola shaharlardagi atrof-muhit ahvolining dolzarb muammolariga bag'ishlangan. O'zining kuchli sotsial-ekonomik va muhandis-texnik infrastrukturasi bilan zamonaviy shahar yon atrofning tanazzulning asosiy aybdorlaridan biri bulib qolmoqda. Chiqindilarni boshqarish tizimi shaharlarning energiya ta'minotida atrof-muhit ifloslanishi muam-mosini qisman hal qiladi. Atrof-muhitni muhofaza qilish tizimida barcha fuqarolik jamiyati institutlarining faol ishtiroki va atrof-muhit muammolarini hal etish jarayonida muhim rol o'ynaydi. Biroq kelajakda atrof muhit xavfsizligi kelgusida shaharlarni antipod emas balki barqaror rivojlanish markazlari va ekotizimning tabiiy qismi bo'lishlari uchun aylantira olishimizga bog'liq bo'ladi. Bu faqat hukumat va jamoat tashkilotlarining samarali hamkorligi bilan amalga oshirilishi mumkin.

Tayanch iboralar: ekologiya, chiqindilarni kompleks boshqarish, zararli chiqindilar, ifloslovchi moddalar, jamoat ekologik tashkilotlari.

The article is devoted to the current problem of the state of the environment in cities. The modern city with its power-ful socio-economic and engineering infrastructure becomes one of the main culprits for environmental degradation. The main sources of pollution of the urban environment have been identified. It is noted that the waste management sys-tem partially solves the problem of environmental pollution in the energy supply of cities. An important role is played by the active participation of all civil society institutions in the environmental protection system and the process of solving environmental problems. A safe environment in the future will largely depend on whether we can transform cities so that they become centers of sustainable development and a natural part of the ecosystem, rather than its antipode. This is possible only with the fruitful cooperation of the authorities and public organizations.

Key words: Ecology; integrated waste management; harmful emissions; pollutants; public environmental organizations.

Библиографический список

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