O'zbekistonda keyingi viUarda mahalliy mineral хот -ashy olar dan tavvorlangan, vangi, arzon, raqobatbardosh sanoat mahsulotlariga bo'lgan talab oshib bormoqda. Bu o'z navbatida kon-metallurgiya va xom-ashyolarni qayta ishlovchi sohalarni rivojlanishiga bevosita bog’liq. Biindav sharoitda sanab o'tilgan masalalarni hal qilish dolzarb vazifalardan hisoblanadi va bazaltli tolalarning har xil kuchlar ta'sirida ishlashini tadqiq qilib, bazal’t tolasidan fovdalanish samaradorligini oshirishga erishish hamda ekologik toza, sifatli va ko'p yil xizmat qiluvchi mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqaradigan sanoat korxonasini tashkil qilishga olib keladi.
Tayanch iboralar: fdtr, material, salqilik, aerozol, quruq qoldiq, basalt materiali, fdtrlovchi to ’siq, tog’ jin si ari, egilish sirti.qattiqlik darajasi, elastic deformatsiva, qatlamlar, qoldiq massasi, o g ’brlik kuchi, plastic deformatsiva, ishqalanish koeffisienti, qoldiq deformatsiva, aeropol, egilish kattaligi,kuch ta ’siri.
In recent years, is growing demand o f Uzbekistan in new, cheap, competitive products from local raw materials, which is directly connected with the expansion and development opportunities o f the mining and metallurgical and processing industries. In such conditions, the solution o f the above problems is a very urgent problem and requires a comprehensive research o f power parameters of basalt fiber, aimed at further improving the efficiency o f local basalt raw materials and the manufacture o f new, long-lasting, high-quality and ecologically clean products.
Key words: filter, material, hardness, spray, dry residue, basalt material, filter baffle plate, rocks, bending surface, hardness, degree o f bending, bundle, weight o f the residue, force o f gravity, plastic deformation, coefficient offriction, residual deformation, aerosols, bending size, effect o f force.