Maqolada ishlab chiqilgan kumulyativ effektli skvajinali zaaryad konstruksiyasining poligon sharoitida eksprimentalsinovlari natijalari yoritilgan.Kuvulyativ effekt esa skvajina tog qismida pulat materialdan konussimon moslama qullabkumulyativ uyiq hosil qilinadi. Belgilangan geometrik parametrlarda konus skvajina tog qismida dinamik yuklamaberish zonasini tayyorlashni taminlaydi. Ishlab chiqilgan zaryad konstruksiyasi portlatish moddali skvajinali zaryadiuchun qushimcha burgulashni kamaytirish, pogona tagi loyihaviy belgisiga chiqish va portlatilgan tog jinslariningzaruriy granulometrik tarkibiga erishishni taminlaydi.
Tayanch iboralar: portlash tasiri, skvajinali zaryad, portlovchi moddalar, kumulyativ uyiq, tog jinsi, burgulashportlatishishlari,energetic xossalar,kon massivi strukturasi, pogona, pogona tagi.
The article presents the results of experimental polygon tests of the developed well charge design with a cumulativeeffect, the cumulative effect is achieved by creating in the bottom of the well a cumulative notch that is a cone made ofsteel material. For certain geometric parameters, the cumulative cone provides the creation of a zone, dynamic loadingof the bottom of the well. The developed design of the charge will allow to reduce the amount of redrilling of boreholecharges, to reach the design mark of the bottom of the ledge and to provide the necessary granulometric composition ofthe blasted mass.
Key words: explosion actions, borehole charge, explosives, cumulative excavation, rock, drilling and blastingoperations, energy properties, composition, rock mass structure, ledge, sole.