УДК: 622.673.


Авторы: Исакулов Б.Х. || Эгамбердиев З.Б.

Рубрика: Геотехнология || Выпуск: №2 (Апрель-Июнь), 2017 год. || Скачать

Maqolada ma`dan tanalarini kamerali qazib olish tizimida qazib olishda konning kon-geologik vakon-texniksharoitlari bilan bog`liq bo`lgan kombinasiyalashgan sun`iy massivning kengligi va mustahkamligi ta`siri masalalario`rganib chiqilgan. Kameraning balandligi, sun`iy qotuvchi massivning bosimining kamera kengligi bilan bog`liqbo`lgan, bog`liqlik grafigi keltirib chiqarilgan. Kamera balandligining 100 m dan 20 m gacha o`zgarishi, undagikombinasiyalashgan to`ldiruvchi massivning qotuvchi qismining kengligining kamayishiga olib kelishi asoslab berilgan.

Tayanch Iboralar:To`ldiruvchi, sun`iy massiv, zalej, kamera, shift, kon bosimi, ochiq yuza, qotuvchi massiv, yonlama bosim.

The article discusses the impact of mining-geological and mining-technological conditions on the width and strengthof the hardening part, as well as the height of the bearing layer of the combined artificial massif in the mining of oredeposits by the chamber system of mining. The maximum value of the pressure of the rock bookmark on the artificialhardening massif was established, the effect of the height of the chamber on the width of the artificial hardening massif.A change in the height of the chamber from 100 m to 20 m results in a decrease in the width of the hardening part of thecombined packing array.

Key words: backfilling, artificial massif, deposit, chamber, roof, overburden, outcropping stress, hardening massif,lateral thrust, mining-geological and mining-technological conditions, chamber system for the development of useful,height of the chamber, hardening massif, combined packing array.



Библиографический список

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