Geologiya fani uchun asos bulib, xizmat qiladigan asosiy falsafiy yechimini topgan falsafiy savollar ochilgan.Geologiyadagi asosiy qonun va qonuniyatlar kurib chiqilgan. Urganilgan kupgina geologik effekt va xodisalarningpogonasimonligi, moddalar va energiyalarning kvant xarakterli ekanligi kursatilgan, tomirsmon rudagenezisi xamda,kristallashuvning pogonasimonligi detallashtirilgan. Shuning asosida geosfera rivojlanishi pogonasimonligi va biosferatarkibida noosferaga utishi kursatilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: falsafa, geologik jarayonlar, pogonasimon rivojlanish.
The basic philosophical questions on which geological science is based are revealed. The basic laws andregularities established in geology are considered. It is shown that the stepped nature of many of the studied geologicalphenomena and effects is predetermined by the quantum nature of the existence of matter and energy. Staged features ofvein ore genesis are detailed, as well as the stepped nature of crystal formation. On this basis, the evolution of thegeosphere and its transition to the noosphere in the biosphere are shown stepwise.
Key words: philosophy, geological process, stepwise development, learning the World, natural phenomena,scientific phenomena, mineralization process.