УДК: 553.411


Авторы: Турапов М.К. || Жанибеков Б.О. || Умматов Н.Ф. || Туляганова Н.Ш.

Рубрика: Геология || Выпуск: №2 (Апрель-Июнь), 2017 год. || Скачать

Markaziy Qizilqumda oltin ma’danlashuvini shakllanishi va joylashivuning asosiy geologik sabablaridan biri bo‘libstrukturaviy omil hisoblanadi. Oltinkonlarini shakllanishini strukturaviy sharoitlarini tadqiqot iularning barchaob’ektlarini ko‘po‘qli, oddiy shimoliy-g‘arbiy, shimoliy-sharqiy va kenglik yo‘nalishdagi darzliklarning birlashganhamda kesishgan joylarida ajratilgan sakkizta strukturaviy vaziyatlarda joylashganini ko‘rsatadi. Lekin ularning konlarvujudga kelishidagi ishtiroki turlicha. Taxliloltinning 30 % namoyonlari oddiy, qolganlari esa murakkab strukturaturlari bilan nazorat qilinishini ko‘rsatadi.

Tayanch iboralar: foydali qazilmalar, region, oltin, strukturaviy omil, magmati komil, oltin ma’dan joylashishi.

One of the main geological reasons for the formation and placement of gold mineralization in the Central Kyzyl Kum is thestructural factor. The study of the structural conditions of the formation of gold deposits shows that all objects are confined tothe eight structural positions identified in the zones of multi-axis and simple north-western and northeast, sub-latitudinalfaults, in areas of their interfaces and intersections; However, their role in the formation of deposits is different. Analysisshows that about 30% of gold manifestations are controlled by simple types of structures, and the rest - by complex ones.

Key words: mineral deposits, region, gold, structural factor, magmatic factor, placement of gold mineralization.




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