Maqolada Kokpatas kon maydoniga mos keladigan Shirotniy І va ІV uchastkalari margimush sulfidli oltin rudalaritugrisida suz yuritadi. Shirotniy І uchastkasi 275m gorizontidan olingan probasida, Shirotniy ІV uchastkasi aynan shugorizontidan olingan probadagi oltinga boy tarkibga ega.Oltinni qayta ishlash va boyitish texnologiyasiga tasir etuvchimineralogik xususiyatlari, joylashish formasi, oltin ajralib turishi morfologiyasi, ulchfamlari va boshqa minerallar bilanoltin kurinib turadigan arsenopirit – piritli oltin va oltin kurinmaydigan pirit va arsenopirit hisoblanadi.
Tayanch iboralar: Kukpatas ruda maydoni, margumishli – sulfidli oltin, qiyin boyitiladigan ruda, paragenezis,mineralogiya, ruda probasi, oltin tarkibi minerologik uziga xosligi, yotish formasi, pirit, arsenopirit.
The ores of the sites Shirotniy I and IV to which are gold-sulphide-arsenic types, typical for the Kokpatas ore fieldare referred in the article. The sample ore from the horizons of 275 m of the site Shirotniy I have a higher gold content,compared to the Shirotniy IV area from the same horizon. Mineralogical features of gold, affecting the technology of itsenrichment are the deportment, the morphology of the isolation of native gold, the size and intergrowth of it with otherminerals. The leading paragenetic mineral association is gold-arsenopyrite-pyrite with visible native and invisible goldin pyrite and arsenopyrite.
Key words: Kokpatas ore field, gold-sulphide-arsenic type, refractory ore, paragenesis, mineralogy, ore sample,gold grade, mineralogical features of gold, enrichment technology, deportment, native gold, mineral composition,visible gold, arsenopyrite-pyrite, gold recovery, enrichment process, mineralogical study, sedimentary rock.