Elektronlarning tunnel utishi yordamida yerning past chastotali tebranishlari aniqlangan. Ushbu ishda yerganisbatan tinch elektrod bilan yer boglangan elektroddan avtoemilsson tokni ulchash yordamida past chastotalitebranishlar juda kichik amplitudasini aniqlashning yangi usuli keltirilgan. Juda kichik amplitudali past chastotaliulchash registratsiya qilish uchun yangi pribor yaratishning nazariy asoslash mumkin.
Tayanch iboralar: yer qimirlash, seysmik aktiv zona, tebranuvchi tulqinlar, deformatsiyalovchikuchlar,kuchsiz tebranishlar, tunnel effekti, registratsiya sezgirligi, tunnel mikroskopi, massivdisk, zond,avtoemilsion tok, tunnel utish, yer shari, stabil zona, past chastotali tebranish, elektrod, nazariy usul, amplitude.
Low-frequency earth oscillations are determined with the help of electron tunneling transitions. In this paper, wepropose a new method for determining low-frequency oscillations by an ultra-small amplitude using measurements ofthe autoemission current between an electrode at rest relative to the earth and an electrode connected to the earth. Itcan be concluded that the proposed theoretical method of creating such a device for recording low-frequencyoscillations with an ultra-small amplitude has a full practical basis.
Key words: earthquakes, seismic zone, oscillatory waves, deformation forces, superweak oscillations, tunnel effect,detection sensitivity, tunnel microscope, massive disk, probe, piezoelectric element, field emission current, tunneljunction, earth ball, seismic zone, stable zone, low-frequency oscillation, electrode, theoretical method, amplitude.