Maqolada taqsimlangan parametrli texnik sistemani optimal boshqarish amaliy masalasining matematik modelikeltirilgan. Masalani yechish uchun tanlangan metodlar yordamida sifatli tahlil va sonli tadqiqotlar o‘tkazilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: optimal boshqarish, matematik model, taqsimlangan parametrli sistemalar,issiqliko‘tkazuvchanlik, chiziqli bo‘lmagan chjegaraviy masala, maksimum prinsipi, Nyuton va Galerkin metodlari.
The mathematical model of the applied problem of optimal control of a technical system with distributed parametersis given in the article. Qualitative analysis and numerical studies with the help of selected methods were carried out.
Key words: optimal control, mathematical model, system with distributed parameters, heat conduction, nonlinearboundary value problem, maximum principle, Newton and Galerkin methods.