УДК: 681.586.7.068

Оптимизация электрических режимов современных дуговых сталеплавильных печей со статическим тиристорным компенсатором

Авторы: Жумаев О.А. || Пулатов В.Б. || Халилов А.Ж.

Рубрика: Электротехника || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2017 год. || Скачать

Maqolada stastik tiristorli kompensator (STK)ga ega bo'lgcm zamonaviv elektr voyli pechlarning elektrik rejimlarini optimallashtirish masalasi ko'rib chiqilgan. STKning keltirilgan modeli fdtrokompensatsiyalovchi zanjirlar (FKZ) va tiristor-reaktorli guruhlar soniga muvofiq о 'suvchi sur ’atda bajariladi. Teskari aloqa zanjiri bo 'yicha FKZning ishga tushish vaqtiga ta’sir qiluvchi tiristorning dinamik xususivati, hamda tiristor-reaktorli guruh (TRG)ning rostlash burchagim aniqlovchi STKning XS reaktiv qarshiligi statizmini hisobga oluvchi PI rostlagichning variantlaridan biri keltirilgan.Tayanch iboralar: statik tiristorli kompensator, kuchlanish transformatori, reaktor, matematik model, STKni boshqarish tizimi, elektr vovli pech.

Basic principles o f optimization o f the electric modes o f modern arc steel-smelting furnaces with the static reactive power compensator (SRPC) are considered in article. The offered SRPC model is executed by building on number o f the used the filter o f the compensating chains (FCCh) and thyristor and reactor groups. One o f options o f realization o f the adaptive Pi-regulator in which by means o f a chain o f feedback are considered as the dynamic characteristics o f a tiristor influencing the moment o f inclusion FCCh, and the reactive impedance o f constant-error behavior ofXs, SRPC defining the angle o f regulation to the thyristor -reactor group (TRG) is given.

Key words: static reactive power compensator, voltage transformer, reactor, mathematical model, operating system SRPC, arc steelmaking furnace



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