Kokpatas va Daugiztau konlari sulfidli rudalarida oltin ingichka dispersli va kumirsimon moddalar mavjudligi bilanxarakterlanishi aniqlangan. Shundan kelib chiqib bioksidlash reaktorlarida kupik paydo bulishi omilidan samaralifoydalanish buyicha zaruriy savollar echish imkoniyatlarini hal etish kelib chiqadi.Turli tadqiqotlar natijasidabioksidlash jarayonidan keyin colloid ulchamli oltinlar yuqotilishi qonuniyatlari belgilangan. Bu yuqotishlarningbiooksidlash mahsulotlarni yuvishdan oldin, jarayondan kupikni chiqarishda oldini olish mumkin. Yuqoridagi omillarbiooksidlash reaktorlaridan chiqadigan kupiklarni alohida qayta ishlsh va yechimlarni topish maqsadga muvofiqliginitasdiqlaydi.
Tayanch iboralar : sulfidli ruda, yupqa dispers oltin, kumirsimon modda, kuprik paydo bulishi, biooksidlashreaktori, biokekni yuvish,biooksidlash jarayoni, sulfidli oltin tarkibli ruda, qayta ishlash sxemasi,oltin urtacha kattaligi,oltinni ajratib olish, ruda texnologik qayinligi, ruda qiyinligi fizik-kimyoviy xossalari, oltin nano-okto- zarralari.
It has been established that gold in sulfide ores of the Kokpatas and Daugyztau deposits is finely dispersed and thepresence of carbonaceous matter is a characteristic feature of these ores, it is necessary to solve the natural problem ofthe effective use of the foaming factor in biooxidation reactors, with the withdrawal of it into a separate product, insteadof quenching. Various studies have shown the loss of gold in colloidal sizes with the washing of the biocake after thebiooxidation process. It is established that when removing foam from the process, before washing the biooxidationproduct, it is possible to avoid these losses. The above factors confirm the expediency of solving the withdrawal andseparate processing of foam from biooxidation reactors.
Key words: sulphide ore, fine gold, carbonaceous matter, foaming, biooxidation reactor, bio-cracking, biooxidationprocess, sulfide gold-bearing ores, processing scheme, average gold size, gold recovery methods, technological strength.