Tabiiy va texnogen xarakterli favqulotdagi holatga kiruvchi yog'ingarchilik va o'pirilish havfi va masshtabi keltirilgan.Bugungi kunda Kirg'iziston Respublikasida 5000 mingdan ortiq o'pirilish havfi bo'lgan uchastkalar bo'lib ulardao'pirilish havfi tabiiy qoyalarda va kar'erlardagi kon-texnologik pog'onalarda yuzaga keladi. Kirg'iziston sharoitidapog'ona va tabiiy qoya turg'unliklarining yo'qotilishining asosiy sabablari keltirilgan. Deformatsion zuriqishningmiqdorli modellashtirish orqali kon massivi turg'unligini baholashning metodikasi ishlab chiqilgan. O'pirilishningamaliy echimini aniqlash maqsadida programmalashtirilgan Landslidet Modelle modeli ishlab chiqilgan. Kar'er bortiyuzasidagi o'pirilish jarayonlari modellashtirilgan natijalari keltirilgan. O'pirilish harakati modellashtirish metodikasiva lining programmalashtirilgan modeli ishlab chiqilgan bo'lib nafaqat qoya turg'unligi va uning hajmi, tarqalish masofasinianiqlash metodikasi ishlab chiqilgan.
Tayanch iboralar: o'pirilish, modellashtirish, programmalashtirilgan kompleks, metodika.
The threat o f an increase in the number and scale o f emergency situations o f natural and man-made nature is noted,among which mudflows and landslides are o f particular importance. To date, over 5,000 landslide areas have beenidentified on the territory o f the Kyrgyz Republic. At the same time landslides occur both on natural slopes and onmountain-technological slopes o f quarries. The main causes o f loss o f slopes stability in the conditions o f Kyrgyzstanare revealed. A methodology is developed fo r assessing the stability o f a mountain massif on the basis o f a numericalsimulation o f a stress-strain state. For the practical solution o f the problem o f modeling the landslide process, the LandslidemModellersoftware complex was developed. The result o f modeling a landslide on the slopes o f the side o f thequarry is presented. The developed method o f modeling the landslide motion and software allows us to assess not onlythe stability o f the mountain slope, but also its volume and propagation distance.
Key words: landslides, modeling, software complex, methods.