Ишда портлатиш қудуқларини бурғилаш жарёнлари самарадорлигини ошириш масалалари кўриб чиқилган. Жинсларни парчаловчи асбоблар таянчларини герметиклаш динамикаси самарадор бурғилаш долото(искана)ларини яратишда асосий техник ечимлардан бири ҳисобланиб, келажакда бурғилаш долото(искана)лари таянчларини оптимал герметиклаш масалаларини қўйиш ва ечиш имконини беради.
Таянч иборалар: кон жинси, бурғилаш, бурғилаш долото(искана)си, энергия сарфи, қудуқ, таянчларни герметиклаш, ювиш суюқлиги, қоплаш майдони, ишончлилик, динамика, зичлагичлар, металл ҳалқалар.
The paper considers the issues of increasing the efficiency of blasting well drilling processes. The dynamics of sealing the supports of rock-cutting tools is one of the main technical solutions in the creation of effective drill bits, which allows in the future to set and solve tasks to optimize the sealing of drill bit supports. The compaction of the roller bit support in the developed form solves the issue of increasing its wear resistance, and consequently, increasing the efficiency of the drill bit due to an increase in its working time with a predeter-mined dynamics of fracture of the rock during drilling of wells.
Key words: rock, drilling, drill bit, energy costs, borehole, sealing of sup-ports, washing fluids. Coverage area, reliability, dynamics, seals, metal rings.