УДК: 622.235

Расчет параметров пылегазового загрязнения атмосферы при производстве массовых взрывов на карьерах

Авторы: Заиров Ш.Ш. || Шарипов З.С. || Норматова М.Ж.

Рубрика: Геотехнология || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2017 год. || Скачать

Portlovchi gazlarning qobiq orqali soapstok bilcm va s h ’ajinaning zabov qismidan suv bilan o'tishida qobiqdan gazga qarab konvektiv issiqlik ajralishi va qobiq jovlashgan jovida s h ’ajina devorlarida partsial bosim qismining yo'qolishi sodir bo'ladi. Issiqlikni vo'qotish hisobiga chang gazli buhit o'z energiyasining bir qismini vo'qotadi, bu lining ko'tarilish balandligini vo'qotishiga olib keladi, shu bilan birga lining karyer tashqarisigi chiqib ketishini oldini oladi.

Tayanch iboralar: chang-gaz ajralishi, portlatish ishlari, soapstok jinslari hossalari, skvajina, konvektiv issiqlik ajralish, chang-gazli buhit, ommaviy portlatish, portlatish metodi, gaz hoidagi mahsulotlar, chegaraviy yo 'l qo 'yilgan norma.

When passing explosive gases through the shell with water and soapstock in the charging part o f the well occurs convective heat transfer from the gas to the shell and loss o f partial pressure share at the borehole wad at the location o f the shell. Due to the heat loss dust and gas cloud loses some o f its energy, which leads to a reduction in the height o f its rise and thus prevents its removal outside career space.

Key words: dust and gas emission, blasting, rock properties soap stock, wed, convective heat transfer, dust and gas cloud, massive explosions, blasting methods, gaseous products, limit.



Библиографический список

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