УДК: 622.235


Авторы: Назаров З.С. || Тухташев А.Б.

Рубрика: Научно-лабораторные изыскания || Выпуск: №1 (Январь-Март), 2018 год. || Скачать

Ishda turli xil yoriqliklardagi kon jinsining portlash mexanizimi, gips va qum-sement aralashmasidan tayyorlangan 30Ч60 o'lchamli kubsimon bo'laklardan tashkil topgan portlovchi moddalar portlatish oqibatida yuzaga keladigan kuchlanish to'lqini tajribaviy tadqiqot metodikasi keltirilgan. Kuchlanish to'lqinining o'rnini quyidagilar belgilaydi: to'lqinning tarqalish tezligi u buzilish tezligidan bir necha marotaba yuqori, undan tashqari bloklarning surilish tezligi-dan ham ancha yuqori pezodatchiklar qayd etgan kuchlanish tajribaviy ko'rsatkichlarni baholash chog'ida nisbiy kat-talik qo'llaniladi. Yodometriya usuli yordamida gaz holatidagi portlash mahsulotlarining miqdorini baholash mumkin.

Tayanch iboralar: to'lqin, detonatsiya, zaryad, amplituda, yoriqdorlik, siqilish to'lqini, radian bo'ylab kuchlanish, qaytargich, yodomertiya.

The mechanism of explosion action in rocks of different fractures is considered in the work. A technique for experimental investigation of stress waves arising in a medium in the explosion of explosive charge on models composed of cubic blocks of 30 Ч 60 mm made of gypsum and sand-cement mixture is considered. The determining role of stress waves is explained by the fact that the rate of their propagation in a medium is two to three times greater than the speed of propagation of fracture and is an order of magnitude greater than the initial velocity of block displacement, i.e., they pre-destroy the medium during propagation. When estimating the experimental values of the voltages recorded by the piezoelectric detectors, the relative value of r is used. Using the iodometry method, a quantitative evaluation of the gaseous products of the explosion that exit through the open ends of the cavity without participation in crushing is carried out.

Key words: wave, detonation, charge, amplitude, fracturing, compression wave, radial stresses, reflection, iodometry.

Библиографический список

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